Marcel Blijleven

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Validate return values with Pydantic


Here’s a little helper decorator that will validate return values from functions, for example functions that return json from an HTTP request.

The decorator will only call inspect.signature once when it loads the module and checks if the return annotation is a Pydantic BaseModel. If not, it will simply return the base function.

import functools
import inspect

from typing import Callable, Any, TypeVar

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError

ValidatedCallable = TypeVar("ValidatedCallable", bound=Callable[..., Any])

def validate(func: ValidatedCallable) -> ValidatedCallable:
    If the return annotation is a Pydantic BaseModel, use the
    annotation to call model_validate on the outcome of the wrapped
    sig = inspect.signature(func)
    return_annotation = sig.return_annotation

    if not issubclass(return_annotation, BaseModel):
        return func

    def validated():
        ret: dict = func()

            return return_annotation.model_validate(ret)
        except ValidationError:
            return ret

    return validated

If needed, you can ignore the try…catch and let the errors bubble up to be handled somewhere in your code.


Take a look at the following function which calls an HTTP endpoint and returns the response.json() value.

def get_bami() -> Bami:
    with httpx.Client() as client:
        response = client.get("")
    return response.json()

Since it is decorated by the validate decorator, the return value will be converted to an instance of Bami. This can be confirmed by a simple test.

def test_get_bami(respx_mock):
            json={"deliciousness": 9001}
    response = get_bami()
    assert isinstance(response, Bami)